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October 23, 2008

Warhammer Online: Dark Elf 1-5 Guide

The Dark Elf Disciple of Khaine is a mixture of fierce swordsmanship and gentle healing. Balancing the scales between when to attack and when to heal comrades is tricky, especially in the heat of battle. Fortunately, you will always be fighting since you need kills to keep your essence meter full so you can perform heals. If this runs out you cannot heal until you either kill more enemies or use the skill Blood Offering, which sacrifices your health for essence.

Your starting zone for the dark elf is The Blighted Isle and your starting area is Narthain Beach. You start off with the spells Cleave Soul (this spell deals ten spirit damage), Fist Of Caine (which deals twenty damage and can attack and enemy long range which is useful for pulling one enemy away from a particularly brutal mob), and Restore Essence (this does exactly what you think it does, restores thirty-three essence to an ally or yourself. Blood Offering, this converts for five seconds thirty action points to thirty essence energy that is used for healing spells).

To get started first take a look around this place, it’s dreary, dead, lots of fighting and there are battle ships around you. Take note of Gorthan, he has a quest for you, “Blood Feud.” The requirements for completion are to kill four sea guards. You should ignore Janesa for now. Go east of Gorthan to the fighting that’s happening by a burning ship (check your map if you are lost, the red circles are your quest areas!) The Sea Guard are all aggro, so you might want to fight the ones that are already fighting someone so you don't have to travel too far into the fray. Slay four of these guys and head back to Garthan. He has a new quest for you “The Joys of War”. Go to the reaper bolt towers (you can pick up “Tomes of Knowledge from Janesa now but don't do it yet) the towers are southwest of Garthan. They are spread out in a row and look like catapults. Pick one and right click it to choose snipe mode. White arrows will now come up on your screen. Choose an enemy and they will zero in on him or her turning red, left click and you will snipe them. Kill enough to end the quest and return to Garthan.

He will now give you the quest “Lingering Darkness”. Killing six dark sprites is easy. Just go southwest of Garthan to the imp-like enemies hovering in the air. These guys are not aggro, so you don't need to worry about running into the middle of them and getting attacked. Upon killing your last sprite, you should now rank up to level 2. Before we go back to hand in the quest, continue up this path until you see “Black Ark Landing' come onto the screen. Hug the right cliff ledge (but don't fall!) to complete Janesca’s quest. Let’s go back to Janesca. Continue “Tomes of Knowledge” by speaking with Valnak, who is to your right by the boat. Complete it and you are done with this starting zone. Sell any loot you want to get rid of to the merchant and then go to the Career Trainer, select “core training” and get the new skill “Consume Strength”. It will deal seventeen damage and sap your enemy’s strength. Alright, moving on!

Go back up that path to Black Ark Landing. Continue until you get to a new outpost with lots of NPCs standing around. Nehmora the hag is where you hand in the “Lingering Darkness” quest and also to pick up the quests “Dance of Khaine” and “Fallen Kin“.

Warhammer Online Screenshot

Uthorin Warscout offers a scenario quest, you may not be ready to do this yet so let’s not. Let’s do the quest, “Dance of Khaine” instead. You are to kill five Sword Novices, go south out of Black Ark Landing and follow the path. You will see a cave you can’t go into, so to your left go up the hill. The Sword Novices are there. They are aggro if they aren't already fighting someone, so attack the ones already fighting so again you don't get too far into the fray and attacked by multiple enemies. To the East, you will notice more people. Saril will give you XP, and Rathus will give you the quest “For Amusement’s Sake”. We can do this one while doing “Fallen Kin”, since we will already be inside Seawind Glade.

Seawind Glade is behind this place so just go around it to a forest area. Shadow Warriors lurk everywhere in here. Kill six of them (aggro) to complete this quest. After you've done this, look around for a Blade Walker in the middle of this area. Use the Phaos gem on him to mesmerize it and quickly return to Rathus. You have only three minutes, so avoid fighting if you can and hand in this quest. Saril will give you more XP. Now go back to Black Ark Landing and hand in “Dance of Khaine” and “Fallen Kin” to Nehmora. You'll now be Rank 3! Pick up the quest “Lucrative Intrigue” and go to the career trainer to get the skill “Soul Infusion” which gradual heals your target two hundred sixty health over a period of fifteen seconds.

For your next quest, you need to go to Isha’s Garden and blackmail Tintha Venomfire. Go southeast out of Black Arc Landing (the middle path). You will come to the Ruins of Nathan and then Isha’s Garden. It’s a pretty place, isn't it? Tinitha is on the left, take the quests “Pages of Power” and “Halls of Aenarion” from her, also from the Beastmaster, pick up the three quests “Guile’s Strength“, “Use of Allies“, and “Lionbane”.

We will do “Halls of Aenarion” first, since the reward is a new piece of armor. Go east out of this place through the spires of Narthian (there is a public quest here). Be careful if you see a huge dragon. Don't go after it and stay far away unless you want it to attack and utterly destroy you. Go left of the dragon to a spire that will lead you down a twisting flight of stairs. You should see Hall Keepers here. Make your way through the maze-like halls opening tomes of fury in the alcoves. They are guarded by Hall Keepers, so be prepared to fight a lot! When you have all four tomes opened the Eidelon will appear and you will have to fight him. After you kill him make your way out of this place and return to Tintha and get your new armor.

Now, let’s do “Guile’s strength”. All you have to do is go to the corral on the southwest side of this place (near the Career Trainer) and release the Cold Ones from the corral (the look like dinosaurs). Return to the Beastmaster and complete this quest. You should now be Rank Four.

You can pick up “Covenant of Vitality” from the Career Trainer now. “Pages of Power” is our next quest to complete. Go to the Ruins of Narthain in the west and find four ritual parchment pieces.

There are Narthian Archers here. Kill them if they get in your way, the pages are just that, glowing white pieces of paper on the ground, find four and return to Tirithna. She will give you another quest, “competent scion”. This one is farther away, so let’s do the other two quests first.

Warhammer Online Screenshot

“Use of Allies' wants you to kill Narthian Archers and loot them for their “shinnies“. We just saw them when getting the parchments and you might have even killed a few so just go back and slay the rest you need. You will have to find Thamp'zun the goblin to hand in this quest. He is a bit of the way south past the Career Trainer. Follow the road. He is on your right. Now let’s do the quest, “Lionbane”. Go along the path a bit more south and you will start to see some White Lions. Kill them to get five of their flanks and return to the Beastmaster. He will give you the quest “Mavghann’s Challenge”. We will do this one since the reward is a weapon. Go to the forests of Lionwalk (where the white lions are). You have to find one of the Silverlake sisters and kill her. She is not far into the forest (on your left) and is in a very tree heavy area with a rock that she will most likely be walking around. You can easily recognize her as the only human in the place and by her shield. Return to Beastmaster to hand in the quest. You should be half way to Level Five now. “Competent scion” is our only quest now, so let’s go do that one. Go far past the White Lions until you reach the Mistwood. Kerryn is in the tent. Take the three quests from her: “Hated Kin”, “Must Have” and “Legend and Infamy“. “Legend and Infamy” is an epic quest meaning that it’s very long and can be very hard.

Ularis has the quest “Nimosar’s Fall”, Telathor has “Dark Ambition”, Urathos has “Need to Know” and “Prize of War”. Dark Isle Shadows are parked east of Mistwood for the quest “Nimosar’s Fall'. Kill five of them. Be careful not to confuse them with any of the other enemies that are in this area or you might be fighting battles you don't want to. Go back to the camp. Rikuld will reward you with some XP. Drop off the quest you just did to Ularis he will give you another quest that you should take. Go far south past the guardians and to Volric on your right (a great Wing Crag Wing will be on a rock near her), talk to her and get the rewards. You will get the next part of this quest. Go back to where you killed the Isle Shadows and go father into the forest to kill Shadow Warriors. Kill eight of them and get their heads. You can kill anyone in this forest and get a head (observing shadow, isle shadows, or dark walkers). When you have eight heads, go back south to Valruc. Click the glowing pikes and you will set the heads on them two at a time. Once you have this completed you will now be Rank Five. You can now go back to the Mistwood to pick up the skill, “Lacerate’ from the Career Trainer. You can also do some of the Public Quests or the Scenario Quest if you like.

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Cabal Online Philippines New Dungeon Missions

New Instance Mission Dungeon: “Forgotten Temple B2F”
Requirements to enter: Lv 125, Battle style rank 11
Location: Forgotten Temple entrance in Forgotten Ruin (X : 194, Y : 35)
Entry Item: Muster Card : Forgotten Temple B2F
->It will be dropped in Pontus Ferrum, Forgotten Temple B1F. You may also get this from event monsters.
BOSS: An Evil Mutant Monster will be appear and will be one of the toughest enemy you will ever encounter inside the game.
Time limit: 1 Hour

ITEMS that you can acquire from this DUNGEON:
Extortion Bracelet +5 Vampiric Earring +5
Earring of Guard +5 Extortion Bracelet +6
Vampiric Earring +6 Earring of Guard +6
Extortion Bracelet +7 Vampiric Earring +7
Earring of Guard +7 Bracelet of Fighter +5
Bracelet of Sage +5 Force Regeneration Earring +5
Bracelet of Fighter +6 Bracelet of Sage +6
Force Regeneration Earring +6 Bracelet of Fighter +7
Bracelet of Sage +7 Force Regeneration Earring +7

Watch out for the implemenation of this new DUNGEON soon!

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October 9, 2008

Nexon presents Zera Online

I have played alot of mmorpg games before but this one totally rocked me off the chair. Seeing the fight scenes captured my imagination and entered into a new and different mmorpg experience. The cut scenes are breathe taking although I am not optimistic as how the gameplay will turn out to be, but I am rather excited on when this new MMORPG will come out on the open market.

I am paying more attention on how they detailed the buffs and character effects. I mean, I have seen characters that have wings, massive weapons and a very detailed costume its no big deal onn the MMORPG world. But somehow the buff details of this game has never been this precise. Well, we can only hope for the best as the Nexon the developers of the game progresses on lauching the game. As we all gamers say "let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst".

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Dekaron SEA Philippine Server now online

Azure Knight

"Fight me at your own peril and discover why death is a much kinder fate."

The Azure Order is as fanatical as their magical counterpart, the Incar. Their sole purpose is the mastery of physical combat. They have been honing their fighting skills long before the Incar came into existence. Through the ages, the Azure Knights went beyond merely mastering their bladed weapons. They learned to tap into the energies of the land and channel it through the weapons that they wielded. They believe in honor, discipline, fidelity and self-sacrifice as the backbone of a life spent defending something very precious. By fighting for Trieste and all the people in her realm, it is this purity of intent that defines them as a superior race.

Segita Hunter

"It's simple. When I call the target,
I only see one thing and nothing else.
Then when you die,
you will be nothing but dead."

Superior bowmasters and trackers whose skills are matched by none. Their race reaches as far back into the histories as the Azure Order. Their ways and disciplines were the first to be realized and accepted by the people of Trieste. Segita hunters have a strong communal affinity with nature and all forms related to it. They believe in the cycle of life, where they give back to the earth whatever they would take for sustenance. Drawing the elemental energies from the life force of nature to aid them in battle, Segita Hunters fight for the good of all life and those who strive to preserve it. Karon and the denizens of the Abyss are viewed as threats to all forms of life in Trieste. And for this reason, they do not hesitate to give their lives to defend the land from the Abyss.

Incar Magician

"I call forth the magic of the land!
Let all those who oppose the Incar
cower in fear."

The Incar Order is made up of the most fanatical followers of Trieste. Unlike the other races, they are able to tap into the most basic elemental forces of the land around them. Commanding the powers of lightning, ice, fire, and other elemental forces, their quest is to bring all the realms under one unifying body to ensure peace and harmony. In accordance to Trieste's teachings, these mages strive to attain the purest magics of the earth and shun any form of magic associated with the dark arts.

Vicious Summoner

"You call that magic? Only a pathetic fool would assume as much."

The magic of the Summoners came from the fusion of Incar traditions and the dark arts of creatures from other realms. They declare allegiance to no one in particular and would only call a temporary alliance if they themselves benefit from it.

There is much internal strife and conflict within their race. All Summoners travel the road they call "The Black Path". Possessing incredible power, they traverse the boundaries of the dark arts in their quest to dominate all evil. Only a few have reached the highest levels of mastering the dark arts due to the demands placed upon their souls. Unlike Incar Magicians, Summoners combine blade expertise and sorcery, and see each as vital components in their pursuit of greater power. Battle-hardened and cunning, they are feared by both ally and foe.


"Tread carefully. That breathe you take may be your last."

The Segnale once dwelled in the Lower Planes before the Great Fall. They are highly skilled assassins and healers sought by forces of Karon and Trieste alike. Centuries ago, Karon and his foul minions raped and pillaged the lands of the Segnale and trying to enslave them. The Segnale fled to Trieste in the hopes of escaping the horror. Although they never pledged allegiance to Trieste and her inhabitants, they shared the same deep-seated hatred of Karon and all his minions.

With their magical ability to harness one's blood flow, they slowly strip the life force of their hapless victims. The Segnale have two paths to choose from in their fight against Karon, either as an assassin or as a healer. Regardless of the path chosen, their ultimate goal is the destruction of Karon.

Bagi Warrior

"Followers of Karon,
gaze upon my countenance and despair!"

Large dark-skinned humanoid creatures discovered by a Segita scouting party. Though repulsive in appearance, they exhibit tremendous strength and fighting prowess. Their battle proficiency rivals any other fighting class in Trieste. What some would call magic, the Bagi referred to as the Calling. They call upon the unholy strength from deep within their bodies to vanquish their foes. Full mastery of the Calling results in the ability to unleash a great destructive power that can rend souls.

Karon conjured a plague in an attempt to transform the Bagi into denizens of the Abyss. However, this plan failed due to the Bagi's strong will and combat discipline that prevented total corruption. A tainted race henceforth, their bodies eternally cursed to carry markings of the Abyss. Half breeds possessing traits of both humans and demons, the Bagi are feared by both the forces of good and evil.

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Mobius Online Launches - Dekaron Sea!

Birth of Trieste
In the world's infancy, there were two great powers striving to annihilate each other. Chaos spawned 'darkness' and Cosmos gave birth to 'light'. In order to establish a balance in the world, Cosmos then created 'space' and Chaos filled it with 'time'. Through this constant cycle, Chaos and Cosmos brought about the beginning of the universe. As they continued to gather their powers, they begot Trieste, the immortal land.

World of Two Moons at Night
As darkness settles on the land of Trieste, two moons rise and illuminate the night sky. Ricchez, the herald of prosperity and good fortune, is the first moon to rise followed by Miseria, the harbinger of misery and misfortune. As a week, consisting of the 12 days associated to the 12 gods of Incar, passes, Miseria slowly overtakes Ricchez. It is said that when the two moons cross and Miseria covers Ricchez, the night is worst where death and destruction proliferates throughout the land.

The Opening of the Portals of the Abyss
Around two hundred years ago in the chronicles of Trieste, a great war was fought between the gods, known as the Allocen, and the humans that rent the land. Kalizio Vacshu, one of the first champions, conceived a plan that would turn the tide of the war. Casting a mighty spell, he summoned creatures from the lower planes, the Abyss, to aid them in battle. With these beings by their side, the humans triumphed over the gods.
However, this victory did not end the war completely. As the portals remained open for a brief period of time, the demon Karon brought forth legions from the Abyss and invaded Trieste. Kalizio, in an attempt to drive the monsters back and close the portals, was torn asunder in the ensuing battle. But as he lay dying, he called forth magics of the earth and sealed Karon from the land.
Denizens from the lower planes continued their rampage throughout Trieste. Thousands upon thousands of humans were slaughtered. Nations and cultures disappeared from existence in a few days. This came to be known as the Grand Fall, the fall of land of Trieste.

Surviving the Horror
As the foul beasts bent on death and destruction scoured the land, some of the remnants of humanity gathered. Led by Vinaelr Paray, they planned a way to vindicate themselves from the horror. This was to build a citadel called Arcana at the steepest and most defensible chasm in the land, later on called the Divine Valley. Within a few years, they were able to create a maze with powerful pockets of magic that protected them from the outside.
Years passed. With less prey to hunt and kill, the vast number of creatures from the lower planes dwindled. The humans holed up in the citadel that was created gathered their courage and ventured out for the first time. Finding the outside world bearable once again, they formed groups and headed out to create new settlements. As the last of the groups left, they sealed and concealed the citadel.

If Tomorrow Comes
Despite the diminished numbers of the denizens roaming the land, there was still an evil that festered. This was the resurrection of Karon. The sealing enchantment cast by Kalizio was only temporary and would not hold the demon forever. Like waves pounding against rock, Karon smashes his unabated powers on the seal relentlessly. Slowly, the seal is crumbling...
With new magics and weapons, the humans have been preparing for his return. Readying themselves for the final battle that will decide the fate of Trieste, they train without pause. And this opposition would later be known as Dekaron - the fight against Karon.

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October 8, 2008

The Girls of Cabal Online made into Playboy Mag

Three of our girls made it into the yearly "Girls of Gaming" edition. It is the playboy magazine for gamers and they do select amazing female characters in each of their publication. We are so proud to have three of our girls in there, Arionell (the force Magic), Kalu, (the Force Archer) and Sage Vell (the veteran wizard).
To be able to access the full magazine, click on the following link:

visit Cabal Online Press for more info

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New Guild Wars 2 - The Expansion on Philippines Screen

Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars Expansion Announced

NCsoft, ArenaNet reveal future plans for high-flying online roleplaying franchise; Guild Wars: Eye of the North scheduled for holiday 2007 release

Bellevue, WA., March 27, 2007—NCsoft® and ArenaNet® today revealed their exciting plans for the future of the hugely successful Guild Wars® franchise. The companies announced that development already is underway on a full sequel to the original Guild Wars games. Guild Wars 2TM will draw from the game mechanics that made the original Guild Wars one of the most popular online games ever and will add a fully persistent world. It was also revealed that, like its predecessors, Guild Wars 2 will not have a subscription fee. No launch date was announced, but the ArenaNet team anticipates that Guild Wars 2 will go into beta sometime in the second half of 2008.

In addition, ArenaNet developers are working on the first true expansion for the Guild Wars franchise, Guild Wars: Eye of the NorthTM. Due to hit store shelves during the 2007 holiday season, Guild Wars: Eye of the NorthTM will require at least one of the previous Guild Wars campaigns (PropheciesTM, FactionsTM, or NightfallTM) in order to play. It's a game that will benefit long-time players of the Guild Wars games, with all of the content targeting existing Guild Wars characters.

"We felt it was extremely important to reward those people who have been playing Guild Wars since the game first launched in 2005," said Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet. "Those players have seen three very large campaigns created in a little under two years and so we think it's time to begin filling in the details of the existing world and to provide more content for current characters. We are thrilled to focus our time on something that our players have been asking for."

Set largely in the dungeons and caverns of the lands of Tyria that players first explored in Guild Wars Prophecies, Guild Wars: Eye of the North will have 18 large, multi-level dungeons, 150 new skills across all 10 Guild Wars professions, 10 new Heroes, 40 new armor sets, and even more items, weapons and titles.

And for those looking even further down the road at Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars: Eye of the North will provide a Hall of Monuments where players' accomplishments are memorialized and eventually inherited by their Guild Wars 2 characters, unlocking exclusive items and bonuses in Guild Wars 2.

"It's the payoff we hope players will appreciate as we continue to build on the Guild Wars franchise," said Strain. "We're excited to announce these two new products and we want players to know that Guild Wars has an extremely exciting future in the months and years ahead."

An exclusive full preview of Guild Wars 2 and Guild Wars: Eye of the North can be found in the May issue of PC Gamer which will be on newsstands by April 3. More information on the Guild Wars franchise can be found at

About ArenaNet
ArenaNet, located in Bellevue, Washington, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NCsoft Corporation. ArenaNet has built a state-of-the-art interactive game network and develops premier multiplayer online games for dedicated game players. ArenaNet's titles, Guild Wars, Guild Wars FactionsTM, and Guild Wars NightfallTM are global online roleplaying games that allow gamers to play with anyone, anytime, and anywhere in the world. More information about ArenaNet can be found at

About NCsoft Corporation
NCsoft North America is headquartered in Austin, Texas and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation. NCsoft, with its own development and publishing offices in Texas and California, also works with other NCsoft subsidiaries and third party developers throughout North America to develop and publish innovative online entertainment software products. The company has successfully launched multiple online titles in the last three years and continues to support its franchises, which include Lineage®/Lineage II, City of Heroes®/City of Villains®, Guild Wars/Guild Wars Factions/Guild Wars Nightfall, and Auto Assault®. More information about NCsoft can be found at

NCsoft, the interlocking NC logo, PlayNC, Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, Eye of the North, ArenaNet, Lineage, Auto Assault, and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. City of Heroes, City of Villains, and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cryptic Studios, Inc. and NCsoft Corporation. Cryptic Studios is a trademark of Cryptic Studios, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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October 6, 2008

World of Warcraft Top List of Private Servers


Toxic WoW
[2.4.x Support] [Burning Crusade] [3 Realms] [Scripted Instances] [High Rates] [1500+ Players] [Low Ping] [Stable Servers] [Vote and be Rewarded] [Active and Helpful GM's]


Chaos Crusade
2.4.3 Supported! 1500+ Online ChaosCrusade Fun server 250x - AV pure pvp instant level 70 - Alot of Custom shops, items, mobs, quests, events, instances - 24/7 Full support - 1000mbit line


Scape Gaming
Largest WoW Private server pop anywhere! (24k + players online) :: 5 Servers (Fun/Blizlike/Highrate-Bliz/PvE-Custom/PvP-Battleground) :: 1gbit uplink :: Latest Hardware :: Lag-free :: HUGE active forums community :: Constant Uptime :: Scripted Instances!


WoWFusion - The One and Only
2.4.x Support • BurningFusion(Fun HighXP[40x]/Shopping Mall) • FireFusion(Blizzlike[5x]) • Custom T7(Soon T8) Gear • Custom Items/Npcs/Zones/Vendors/Questlines • Scripted Instances • Best Uptime/Lagfree • Best Staff Team Anywhere • Tons of vote rewards!


Under World of Warcraft Private Server
MAX LEVEL 255•Donate for GM power•Great Voter Reward System•High-XP-rates•Active Forum•Awesome Staff• We use 4-Quad Core Pc's •1000+mb/sec•500k accounts•free custom starter gear!


WoWgasm 2.4.3 Play FREE get FREE Tshirt
Original & Unmatched ONLY ”True” Funserver! 4 Collocated Dedicated Dual Quad-Core Xeon Servers:Supports all 2.4.x :3 Exotic choices of Realms::Friendly Community of 165K!Max Level 254! Unique &Custom Items,Mobs,Vendors,SC|FREE shirt,mug,mousepad,e


Burning WoW
Burning Crusade 2.4.3 • 4 Realms • Fun High Rate Server (15x) • The Best True Blizzlike Server! (1x) • Mid Rate PVE Server (4x) • Pre-BC 1.12.x Funserver • Dual Quad Core Dedicated Servers • 1000mbit Connection • 1000's of Players Online • EotS Works


2.4.x Support • All-FREE Realm INSTANT Lvl 70 • Pre-TBC Realm Low-Rate • UNIQUE PvP System • Home of CityConquest (Capture Cities) • Custom PvP Unlock System • Player vs Player - Realm (Levelup by killing players) • Real PvP • AND MUCH MORE!

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Anime WoW (Ani) • 5000+ On • JOIN US!
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ATLANTIS : New Turn Based Online MMORPG game

Atlantians became very prosperous after they created the substance called Oriharukon. Wanting to learn the secrets of this mysterious material, many other civilizations implored the Atlantians to share their knowledge, but they refused, closing their door to outsiders. Anyone that persisted, the Atlantians brutally destroyed.
Eventually, the Atlantians exhausted all the supplies of the four crystals, the raw materials for Oriharukon. Their thirst for the crystals led to the destruction of four great civilizations (the Yellow River, the Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, and Egypt), and set them on a path to conquer the world to find more.
But the arrogance and greed of Atlantians would instead lead to their demise. When they lost control of the magic powers generated by Oriharukon, Atlantis disappeared in the blink of an eye. But, remnants of Oriharukon survived.

To follow a treacherous path fated to you as a escendant of Atlantis. To find your ancestral home, which vanished off the face of the Earth long ago. To fulfill your destiny: Save humankind from the disastrous effects of Oriharukon, the source of Atlantis' destructive power.
You will embark on an epic journey that will take you to mysterious and dangerous locations around the world, as well as through time and human history. You will enter countless battles against creatures of legend and lore, mutated and deadly due to the influence of Oriharukon. But you will have the help of mercenaries you meet along your way, facing enemies together. You will collect clues from the remains of ancient civilizations, which will ultimately lead you to the lost land of Atlantis, and all the secrets kept there.

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RF Online Philippine Servers


Civilizations will clash. A battle will begin in the name of a god. A rebellious group will seek to reclaim its lost glory. They will feel the wrath and steel of an Empire.
A new war is about to begin.

Welcome to the world of RF Online.

A mixture of science fiction and classic fantasy, the new MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) RF Online is set in a distant planet where magic exists alongside high technology. Existing MMORPGs follow the typical fantasy setting complete with swords and sorcery, but RF Online defines a unique new game setting: the Clash of Civilizations.

BellatoThree races, hungry for resources descend on a planet and engage in battle for control of the rare minerals found there. There are the Accretians, who have forsaken the flesh for steel in their pursuit of perfection. These are cyborgs who have forsaken all flesh for the unyielding power of steel, and in doing so, have transformed themselves into the most physically superior race. Because of this, they have no access to magic, though their technology is superior than the others.

The Bellato are a fiercely independent race that fell from power under sustained attacks by the combined efforts of the Accretian Empire and the Holy Alliance of Cora. They are a race of inventors that are able to combine creative tools and weapons with the Light form of universal magic called the Force. The Bellato enter the war as the least physically capable; and yet given their ingenuity they have the potential to become the strongest.

CoraThe Holy Alliance of Cora draws its power and faith from their god, DECEM. Corite belief dictates that they conquer worlds and force other races to submit in the name of DECEM. Though gifted in the use of arms and weapons, their reliance on tools is secondary to the powers granted by their god DECEM. They practice a form of the Force that is the dark sister to that which the Bellato practice.

AccretiaThe war begins with the Imperial Army of Accretia which first entered the war to protect themselves from the Imperialist Bellato Union who tried to conquer the entire galaxy. Later, they allied themselves with the Cora armed forces against the Union , and upon their triumph, split asunder the Empire that the Bellato Union tried to establish. Upon restaking their claim as an Empire, the Accretia gathered its troops for war against their former cohorts among the Holy Alliance of Cora and the newly formed Bellato Federation to lay claim to the Talic Mines.

This is the basic premise of RF Online. When these cultures coexist and compete for limited resources, conflict will eventually ensue. The conflict begins on the planet of Novus, but later expands into an entire galaxy. This is what sets RF Online apart from all other MMORPGs. The players weave the story, and, it is them who will keep the story unfolding.

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October 4, 2008

Cabal Online Game! The Dance of Century

i kinda like how they dance. Isn't it amazing watching all those ghey dancers dance? lol. really funny...

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Ragnarok 2 on Philippine Servers

Ragnarok Online ll: The Gate of the World is the next best thing since Ragnarok online was created, both developed by Gravity Corp, a Korean company with multiple divisions all over the world.

This new game is based on Norse mythology; Ragnarok being the battle at the end of the world, whats most different about this game compared to the first ragnarok online, is that it is formed of 3 races to choose from, known as the Norman, Ellr, and Dimago. Whats most delightful with this new sequel is that it has Full 3D graphics, while retaining the "original anime style" of Ragnarok Online. There are so many new features and adventures to RO2, you must try it out for your self, to get that amazing experience, exspecially the music, the game's soundtrack is by Yoko Kanno. Much of the soundtrack has a heavy Celtic influence. There are also several vocal songs featured, such as 'Poem', 'Sakaba', and 'Hodo'.

Ragnarok Online has been around for quite some time, being one of the most popular MMORPGs out in the game world today. Cute 2D graphics on a 3D map is what sets this game apart from alot of them. Most of the storyline is based off of Norse Mythology, but the best part is that it does not have a set Plot, it is open for anyone to determin how the story goes. War of Emperium which as drawn players to the game, and has become popular, you and your guild battle it out with enemy guilds to obtain your very own castle. Many adventures and Quests keep you occupied and having fun.

After a few years of Ragnarok online being out, it was soon told to the public that Ragnarok Online ll: The Gate of the World, a Sequel of the loved ragnarok online, was being developed and people from all over the world cant wait for it to be released.

Ragnarok 2 Open Beta FAQ

What means Open Beta?
Open Beta is free-to-play testing period which is open to any Korean citizen. That simply means, you must have KSSN (Korean social security number) to get in. Using other people KSSNs is illegal. When Open Beta ends, the game is will be released in Korea.
When Open Beta starts?
Open Beta starts on May 28 by available informations. You will find detailed information here soon. On Homepage is also Beta servers status checker.
Where can I get an Open Beta game client?
How to play RO2? The game is completely in Korean, so I don't understand a word!
Check out our new players guide
Which server should I join?
Most of non-korean player plays on 스테판 (Stephan) - first letter is similar to "roof of house".

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Welcome 2mons US or Dekaron EU to the Pinoy Gaming World!

Overall Story

They called it The Corruption, those charged with the telling of the story. When the two moons aligned, the exiled king, Rictus, bid his magician open the gate and unleash the pestilence of the Pitborn and their dark ruler Abaddon upon Haran, The Immortal Land. In his hubris, Rictus thought he might control them, that he might herald his conquering of Haran on the crest of a black wave of the accursed. But there could be no alliance with Abaddon, the lord of the pit whose blessing is pain, whose enchantment is the wage of sorrow. He bound Rictus in the darkness of the abyss and every time a man fell to claw, tooth or blade, every time a woman or child burned to black flesh, choked to blue or starved to sallow skin, Rictus died their death and lived to die again. This for all eternity, for such was the will of Abaddon.

The Pitborn flooded Haran, the wake of their butchery staining crimson the once proud soil of The Immortal Land. Mankind teetered on the brink of annihilation. In the depth of his sorrow, overwhelmed by hopelessness, their king, Tirus The Grim, succumbed to death by his own hand.

Thence came Trieste, The White Lady – prophet, magician, warrior, godchild, queen of frozen Haihaff. She bound together those with strength left to resist. To her aid came the dark magic of The Summoners, the power of The Incar, the blades of The Azure Order, the lethal arrows of The Segita, the brute strength of The Bagi, and the blessed touch of The Segnale. They made war then, blanketing the land with the hewed limbs of Pitborn. Their valor knew no equal, but their numbers were too few. The minions of Abaddon poured forth from the gate where they had waited for countless unhallowed centuries and their bloodlust could not be slaked. Despite their courage, the forces of Haran would fall.

It was then that Trieste left in secret. To the gate she went, and slew there those who guarded its gaping maw. And there did she die, sealing shut the gate with her own lifesblood. Abaddon was drawn screaming back into the abyss and the children of Trieste prevailed.

Centuries have passed and the enchantment of The White Lady has worn thin as she prophesied. The gate has cracked open and the Pitborn once again plague Haran. There is no safe passage and of the once proud cities only Loa and Braiken remain. Yet, there is hope. The people of The Immortal Land resist. With bolt and blade, with conjured flame and summoned might they combat the minions of Abaddon. For it is said Trieste will return when once again the twin moons align. Until then, only the law of the sword remains: “No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain!”

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October 2, 2008

Cabal Online Philippines - Character Guides

There are a total of 6 combat skills known as "Authentic Six" that have been inherited among Nevarethians. Among Authentic Six, "Warrior", "Blader" and "Wizard" skills have been told to be established before Nevareth Exodus, the Honorable Age. According to a theory, at the time when Core Technology was at the zenith of its prosperity, hundreds of groups were practicing and studying their own unique skills, but the present skills are ones that were developed by the first generation of the 7 sages based on the Nevareth Exodus survivors' knowledge.

"Warriors" are the ones who inherited the very "first form of force". They practice physical strength by using force more than manipulating it. Thus being a warrior requires being physically superior than the successors of other forms of force.

As they prioritize physical power over technique and speed, their fights are thrilling and dynamic. On the contrary, their understanding in force manipulation is quite limited, thus intelligence is given less weight in their practice. However, well-experienced warriors are said to be able to awaken their latent abilities by using force to become berserk warriors, and summon Astral Weapons by having spiritual awakening in force.

Recommended Item
Armor : Armor Set
Weapon : Great Sword / Daikatana

Recommended Distribution of Abilities
Katana : STR 9, INT 1, DEX 2
Blade : STR 8, INT 1, DEX 3

Wizard: Ultimate Destroyer, the Ruler of the Force

Wizards are the ones who mastered the very "last form of force", which the Sage Tower has inherited from the Honorable Age. They manipulate force to compensate their physical weakness.

Just like sword skills, magic spells are known to have originated in the Lost Age. However, according to theory, it was only during the Honorable Age when magic became a publicized combat skill.

The present form of magic spells was developed by the first generation of the 7 sages. If sword skills use force to maximize a person’s physical abilities and destructive power, magic skills use force within oneself to manipulate outer forces and create powerful energy. In the early years of Nevareth, they used a type of force controller called "Force Stick" that was inherited from the Honorable Age. But as Core Technology developed, they started using an aggressive force controller called "Orb".

Orb is one-handed, which means that Wizards can equip orb in both hands to double their power. It also enables them to cast multiple magic spells at the same time.

Wizards invest a lot of effort in intelligence in order to efficiently control force. Because of this, they do not possess much physical strength or agility. Thus they prefer to wear light armor such as Martial Suit Set. According to some theories, they avoid metallic armor because it prevents them from close contact with outer forces. Well-experienced wizards are said to be able to simultaneously use multiple magic spells with ease, and inflict enormous damage just by using a simple spell.

Recommended Item
Armor : Martial Set
Weapon : Orb

Recommended Distribution of Abilities
Orb : STR 1, INT 9, DEX 2

Blader: The deadly blade dancer, the fastest dual sword user

"Bladers" are the ones who mastered the "second form of force" that were inherited since Nevareth Exodus. According to the Sage Tower, blader skills originated from a type of martial art that was practiced in an eastern country of the Lost Age. That martial art was discovered and developed during the Honorable Age. With the leadership of the first generation of the 7 sages, the present form of blader skills was established.

Their practice is focused on maximizing physical abilities by using force, and they prioritize striking techniques and fast speed over destructive power. At the beginning, they used various kinds of weapons, but they quickly realized that the best armaments for their skills are dual swords and have settled with them. Since then, they use single- or double-bladed dual swords as their primary weapons and wear light armor such as "Martial Suit Set" from the Huan continent for speed.

Just like the warriors, bladers have very limited understanding in force, thus they mainly practice physical strength and agility more than studying the knowledge of force (intelligence). Well-experienced bladers are said to be able to create multiple doppelgangers by maximizing their agility, and to bring instant death to their enemies by summoning deadly Astral Weapons which are the results of their spiritual awakening in force.

Recommended Item
Armor : Martial Set
Weapon : Katana/Blade

Recommended Distribution of Abilities
Katana : STR 5, INT 1, DEX 6
Blade : STR 6, INT 1, DEX 5

Force Archer: The sniper that fires deadly force shots that cut through the wind

Unlike Warriors, Bladers, and Wizards, the three remaining types of Authentic Six--Force Archer, Force Shielder, and Force Blader—did not originate from the Sage Tower. They were independently established and developed for hundreds of years since Nevareth Exodus by so called "Force Handlers". However, as time passed by, the term “Force Handlers came to indicate all of the 6 Authentic Skills.

"Force Archers" originated from a Wizard group. They realized the potential of long-range magic spells, and studied how to intensify the particularity of the magic spells. The founders of Force Archer skills were greatly intrigued by distance and speed rather than space and power. They established the intensive long-range force attack skills for Force Archers, and created "Crystal", an advanced version of Wizard's "Orb", which specializes in controlling force more than intensifying it. This great invention has resulted in creating another invention, "Astral Bow" that minimizes the risk of power decrease when using long-range force and improves force control and attack speed at the same time. Later, it served as a momentum for "Astral Weapon", the embodied force.

Controlling Crystal requires at least a little bit of physical strength and agility. Force Archers do not move around much compared to other classes due to their unique battle style, and they wear armor such as "Battle Suit Set" from the Pastur continent which possesses better defense than light clothes armor. Well-experienced Force Archers can do fast long-range force attack, and if they master in force control, they can deliver a fatal blow to an enemy at a far distance with one shot.

Recommended Item
Armor : Battle Set
Weapon : Crystal

Recommended Distribution of Abilities
Crystal : STR 2, INT 6, DEX 4

Force Shielder: The faithful warrior that uses the force to shield others

The invention of "Crystal" has created another possibility in force control. Force Shielders noticed that Force Archer's Astral Bow can efficiently support long-range force control. They studied how to precisely condense force around Crystals so that force is not dispersed when used to attack enemies. As a result, Astral Shield was created.

The creation of Astral Shield opened a new chapter in the history of Nevarethian armors. Astral Shield has exceptionally high defense strength and it can be used for offensive purposes as well. Warriors and Bladers, who desperately needed a better way to fight and defend, became Force Shielders. They wanted higher defense while establishing their own unique battle style. Thus they started using the heaviest armor such as Warrior's Armor Suit with Astral Shield at the same time.

Force Shielders specialize in short-range force control, which means that they are incapable of doing long-range attacks. However, they make up for the weakness by developing support magic spells that increase their attack strength by manipulating outer forces near their bodies, whose methods are similar as the Wizard's strongest asset.

This revolutionary invention has become a turning point in the Nevarethian battle style. Force Shielders must invest a lot of their effort in physical strength in order to be equipped with Armor Suit, the strongest yet heaviest armor, as well as understanding of force in order to skillfully control force. Also, they need to consider agility for decent hit rate since they can only use one-handed sword. Well-experienced Force Shielders know various ways of manipulating Astral Shields, and can perfect their defense if they master in short-range force control.

Recommended Item
Armor : Armor Set
Weapon : Blade + Crystal

Recommended Distribution of Abilities
Blade + Crystal : STR 5, INT 4, DEX 3

Force Blader: Swordsman whose blade flares with the force

The invention of Crystal and the birth of Force Archer have brought yet another class after Force Shielders. Since Force Bladers were formed almost at the same time as Force Shielders, they shared many things in common. From the early years of Nevareth, people have wished to use sword and magic at the same time so that they can cover both short- and long-range battles.

However, it was almost impossible before Force Archers and Force Shielders appeared. But with their appearance, people were greatly encouraged to study magic swordsmanship that lead to the establishment of the technique now used by Force Bladers.

Force Bladers use a sword in one hand and a force controller in the other hand. Unlike defensive Force Shielders, Force Bladers prioritize agility for precise attacks. It is for the same reason that they cannot wear armor heavier than Battle Suit Armor Set. Also, they preferred to use "Orb", which focuses on destructive power more than force control.

The research in Force Bladers obtained a fruitful result in establishing Agility Force Bladers but it was not that satisfactory. Agility Force Blader's sword skills were not as strong as Bladers' skills and their magic skills were not as powerful as Wizards' or Force Archers' skills. They were also unable to perform support magic spells unlike Force Shielders. They must find another way to improve their power. After long research, they realized that using sword and magic spells at the same time would compensate for the weakness. Thus, they created a unique battle skill known as "Magic Sword Skills". This is how Force Bladers, the Magic Swordsmen came to be.

Since Force Bladers must be equally skillful in fencing and magic, they try to keep balance their practice in physical strength and intelligence. Although there are not yet many Magic Sword Skills introduced, Force Bladers can use joint sword and magic skills. Well-experienced Force Bladers are told to be able to combine every possible magic spell with their sword skills, and inflict more damage by mastering combining magic and sword skills.

Recommended Item
Armor : Battle Set
Weapon : Katana + Orb

Recommended Distribution of Abilities
Katana + Orb : STR 4, INT 4, DEX 4

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Cabal Online Philippines

Long ago people's greed led the CABAL to cleanse the land. Amidst the devastation, seven great masters of Force Power led the survivors to rebuild.

Now, almost a thousand years later, the CABAL is once again manipulating Evil; fostering the child that would be king to once again cleanse the land. It is up to you to face the invaders of Nevareth, and uncover the conspiracy behind it...

Type Minimum Specification Recommended Specification
CPU Pentium 3 800MHz + Pentium 4 1.4GHz +
RAM 512MB + 1GB +
Graphics Card 3D accelerator

Radeon 9800PRO + /Geforce 6600GT +

Sound Card Any DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Hard disk space 2.5GB +
  • It is necessary to install DirectX 9.0c or later version
  • It is recommended to update graphic card driver

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October 1, 2008

Best F2P (FREE TO PLAY) MMORPG in the Philippines

The best MMORPG yet because WoW mixes the right amount of depth and simplicity better than any other game in the history of the genre.

2) Lord of the Rings Online
One of the most popular MMORPGs that appeals to casual gamers. Plenty of solo content adds to the game's already tremendous mainstream appeal.
The best sci-fi MMORPG with player-run corporations and a thriving economy.

4) Final Fantasy XI - Game Lair
The second best fantasy MMORPG after WoW with a quality story, great game play, and large subscriber numbers.

5) City of Heroes/City of Villains - Game Lair
Combined, City of Heroes and City of Villains are easily the second best MMORPG for casual gamers. With the addition of the well-balanced villain types and the use of bases, City of Villains completes the potential that fans have been craving for ever since City of Heroes launched. To top it off, hardcore gamers now also have a reason to like CoH/CoV with its ultra-quick PvP.

6) Warhammer Online
Combines what World of Warcraft got right with PvP that actually feels part of the game world. Warhammer Online could end up being the best MMO for PvP on this list for years to come.

7) Age of Conan
Mature-themed MMO with brutal combat and large-scale warfare. Also has a single-player mode in the first phase of game where each player can wreak havoc at night alone. Has lost a lot of the steam that it once had due to primarily to changes in PVP and lack of solid PvE after level 20.

8) Pirates of the Burning Sea
Deep game where the actions of players really matter in many areas of the game such as the economy, storylines, and PvP.

9) Dark Age of Camelot
Has usually been one the best major MMORPG for PvP combat due to its 3 realm system. Also, DAOC has remained one of the steadiest MMORPGs over the years in terms of quality. However, the game is starting to show its age and other MMOs have incorporated similar or better PvP systems.

10) Tabula Rasa
Innovative sci-fi MMO that combines shooter and RPG elements.

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